Holy shit Miss Pole Dance UK was badass!

Fucking hell’s bells Miss Pole Dance UK 2017 was something else! Do not get me wrong, spectating at competitions is always great fun and is fantastic for bringing together the entire pole community, however I really felt that Miss Pole Dance UK had a certain unique, inspirational element to it that really hit home to me.

Often when watching the professionals perform, I find myself in a peculiar state of awe and despair. One minute I am sat there with my jaw in my lap gawping at a perfectly executed Rainbow Marchenko, the next minute the gloomy realisation dawns on me that the closest I get to anything remotely rainbow related is scoffing an entire share-size bag of Skittles like the greedy bastard that I am. In fact at UKPPC (UK Profesional Pole Championships) last year, I sat there quite happily dipping my chocolate fingers into my pint of Stella while I watched Bendy Kate’s guest performance. But anyway I digress…

As much as the standard of all three categories (Men’s, Doubles and Women’s) was phenomenally high, the competition successfully portrayed the down to earth, personable side to the competitors, which made them relatable to us mere mortals in the audience. Instead of being introduced by a compere, each competitor introduced themselves via a brief video talking about their pole career so far and a bit about their routines. Watching the videos, and seeing these remarkable dancers sat relaxing in training mode, joggers on, classic messy bun and talking about how excited they are to perform and love to pole definitely made me realise that you don’t need to be a T1000 beast to climb the ladder in your pole career. The pro’s started off exactly where you are now, practising like a motherbitch in the studio, in fact they’re still there now. I swear I saw some wise old inspirational quote knocking about on Instagram once that said something along the lines of “A winner is just a beginner who never quit” a phrase which legit applies to the world of pole dance!

Don’t get me wrong here, each and every competitor looked stunning and performed brilliantly. The costumes were on fire, the level of skills and tricks was fucking mental (Spatchcocks were been busted out as effortlessly as a front hook) and every routine was memorable for all the right reasons. I’m very well aware that I am nowhere near a professional level at pole, Christ I can just about shoulder mount on a good day, however thanks to Miss Pole Dance UK and it’s wonderful competitors and organisers, the little voice in the back of my head that says “who know’s Eilish, you might be at a competition final one day” just got a bit louder. Thank you Miss Pole Dance UK for being such a wicked competition, planting the seed of thought in my brain that one day I’ll be nearer to a Rainbow Marchenko than I will be to a bag of Skittles. Here’s to Miss Pole Dance UK 2018!


  1. It was my 4th year attending and I was a bit disappointed this year. The competitors were all fabulous but I felt like it missed something not having a compere, just to warm the audience up a bit more and to fill in the gaps between the competitors as the video were often a bit too short to cover all the time. In previous years they did the videos and had a compere which I think worked better, plus there was no proper interval this year? Like I said the competitors were great and Miss Pole Dance is usually my favourite comp to watch but I think other comps had the edge this year 🙂


    1. Hi Lauren, thank you for checking out my blog 🙂
      This was my first time attending Miss Pole Dance UK, so I didn’t have any previous years to compare too. I think there were intervals in between each category?
      I personally liked just the videos instead of a compère, but that’s just my opinion. A good compere does indeed give a competition a great edge and add to its entertainment value.
      What other competitions have you been to this year? I am VERY excited for UKPPC in November!


      1. I’ve been to Miss Pole Dance, Heir To The Chrome, The Supreme Poledown, JLN Championship, I competed at The Yorkshire Pole Championships and I’m going to UKPPC. I Didn’t realise it was so many, busy year 🙂 They had longer intervals at MPD last year so there was time to shop and buy food and drink rather than quick toilet breaks like this year. They have the videos every year but they also had a compere which I like, the competitors were awesome though and I might just be a bit adverse to change. I’m looking forward to UKPPC too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I miss pole dancing and need to get back in shape. I suffered an umbilical hernia practicing for a competition and haven’t really gotten the brass to get back into again. Discouraged I’ve lost so much strength and flexibility.


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